June 5th 2015
How completely random is it
lands on Judy's birthday???????????
So happy donut day, and I hope you got your free one.
today I was up at 8 o' ugly a clock!
~My aunt thinks ugly o`clock in the morning
is a pretty funny saying~
So it was off to pick up an order for Judy's graduation.
I got lost
(in my own neighborhood)
but eventually found the place!
Did some banking,
headed home
and got Judy's birthday chili cooking.
At 11am it was out the door for me again.
I picked up a couple pizzas
and met the girls at the school
for a tailgate birthday party.
In the hour I was there
I managed to get a sunburn on my face.
Which got redder when I seen the "dirty" cake
Chelsey and Melissa brought!
I was then on my way home again
and on a mission to get her gifts wrapped,
and call John
who announced he would make it home for supper.
THAT was a great birthday gift.
Then I was back out the door
to go get all the groceries for tomorrow!
hot dogs,
10 flavours of chips,
10 flavours of pop
and 6 dips so far.
After picking up the birthday girl from school
we made the last 3 stops
to pick up items for the party,
and then it was hometime.
I was exhausted.
It was time to unload and put away all the stuff I got.
I wrapped Shooter's gift for Judy,
and set the table for the big birthday fiesta!
John was late
(6pm instead of 5pm)
but arrived JUST before we starved to death.
Tonight was a flurry of jobs
I did not expect to get done
I did not expect to get done
and had some movie time.
Hoping the rain settles down the temperatures
and in or out tomorrow nights party is a go!
Good night from John Street.
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