The last night of Summer Vacation 2014

One of the items on my summer to do list was to play in puddles,

and I never got to do it..... until tonight.

The last day of summer vaction was very relaxing. I got to play a board game with John and Judy while eating snacks, we did a little backyard cleaning and I relaxed in a lounge chair, we had shish kebabs for supper and caught up on another disc of Once Upon a Time season 3.

And so ends "my summer alone".
John is back to work, Judy is off to bed and I am sitting contemplating what I should get on my to do list for fall. I really want to see some renovations done around the house. The kitchen needs a paint job, I want a tile floor in my bedroom, and the dining room paper is in desperate need of replacement.

I am off tomorrow for my remikade infusion.

Knock on wood it is still working after 3 years. So I should be good to go by thursday, just in time for quarterpalooza!

Hope all our littles and teens have a great first day of school.
Moms, no tears they will be back by 4!

Good night.


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