Friday September 19th 2014

3 weeks into the 365 days
and I am having a hard time
deciding what to write each night.
I must lead the most boring life imagineable!
So what did today look like?
It was a beautiful day. The sun was out and it was warmer outside than inside my home. I finished a scrapbook layout, did a little cleaning and played catch with the dog.
My first visitor today was Connie for a quick talk about a scrapbook swap. This was closely followed by a Charlotte-in-panic! First time Disney/cruiser jitters. FYI this was followed by a call from my mother with the exact same problems! After working out all the paperwork, trying on her costume and discussing things like costs of souvenirs and tips, a rather calm happy Charlotte was on her way. This was followed by Pam with a delivery of broccoli for our supper. A husband arrived after that, just before 3 and my teen arrived shortly after that. It was looking like a good night, John was in a good mood and suggested going to see a movie. Yeehaw. He headed for the showers, and Judy was off to wash mud off everything as they had some sort of grade 9 "lamb day" that she had helped with.
John came home starved, and well Judy is always hungry! So I started dinner way early tonight. Homemade meatloaf and a broccoli potato bake made in cheddar cheese soup............. YUMMMMMMM and for the first time EVER I did not overcook and could have had 3rds.
Then the world cam crashing down. We started eating and suddenly a simple conversation went bad. Judy has managed to get a head cold. John is still coughing and stuffy. So both are irritable and short tempered.
I left and went in to the Shoppers Pharmacist and
BEGGED her to help me.
Don't laugh. Don't judge me....... I needed help.
A quick trip down the aisle and she found what she thought would work, only to be greeted by me asking "does this make them drowsy? I would like the drowsy kind please!" She smiled and nodded and gave me the extra strength combo pack!
Figuring this was a good sign, I popped over, found a movie and some sweet and salty popcorn and headed for the checkout. I got home and force fed both of them night-time meds and sent the teen to bed to read and left the other grumpy one alone.
I changed into pjs and got comfy with my popcorn and new movie. I had found the 2 pack "Angels and Demons" and "The Davinci Code". I was happy and thought the Angels and Demons pretty well done..... except the SO VERY OBVIOUS product placement of Tom Hanks' MICKEY MOUSE watch...... really?
At 9:30 both of my sickies were falling asleep. Judy crashed about 9 but John held out to see the end of the movie. Now reigns the peace and quiet of 10pm and here I am trying to write something clever.
I love having my whole family home for meals,
as soon as they are in one place I feel like I am a prisoner of war!
Not tonight, I pulled out my Commanding Officer uniform and made them take medication, so I could have some peace and save my evening...... AND IT WORKED TOO!
Now this prisoner can do some relaxing.
Early morning trip to Toronto to meet the Royal Military College representatives. So Davinci Code is for tomorrow night.
Good Night

3 weeks into the 365 days
and I am having a hard time
deciding what to write each night.
I must lead the most boring life imagineable!
So what did today look like?
It was a beautiful day. The sun was out and it was warmer outside than inside my home. I finished a scrapbook layout, did a little cleaning and played catch with the dog.
My first visitor today was Connie for a quick talk about a scrapbook swap. This was closely followed by a Charlotte-in-panic! First time Disney/cruiser jitters. FYI this was followed by a call from my mother with the exact same problems! After working out all the paperwork, trying on her costume and discussing things like costs of souvenirs and tips, a rather calm happy Charlotte was on her way. This was followed by Pam with a delivery of broccoli for our supper. A husband arrived after that, just before 3 and my teen arrived shortly after that. It was looking like a good night, John was in a good mood and suggested going to see a movie. Yeehaw. He headed for the showers, and Judy was off to wash mud off everything as they had some sort of grade 9 "lamb day" that she had helped with.
John came home starved, and well Judy is always hungry! So I started dinner way early tonight. Homemade meatloaf and a broccoli potato bake made in cheddar cheese soup............. YUMMMMMMM and for the first time EVER I did not overcook and could have had 3rds.
Then the world cam crashing down. We started eating and suddenly a simple conversation went bad. Judy has managed to get a head cold. John is still coughing and stuffy. So both are irritable and short tempered.
I left and went in to the Shoppers Pharmacist and
BEGGED her to help me.
Don't laugh. Don't judge me....... I needed help.
A quick trip down the aisle and she found what she thought would work, only to be greeted by me asking "does this make them drowsy? I would like the drowsy kind please!" She smiled and nodded and gave me the extra strength combo pack!
Figuring this was a good sign, I popped over, found a movie and some sweet and salty popcorn and headed for the checkout. I got home and force fed both of them night-time meds and sent the teen to bed to read and left the other grumpy one alone.
I changed into pjs and got comfy with my popcorn and new movie. I had found the 2 pack "Angels and Demons" and "The Davinci Code". I was happy and thought the Angels and Demons pretty well done..... except the SO VERY OBVIOUS product placement of Tom Hanks' MICKEY MOUSE watch...... really?
At 9:30 both of my sickies were falling asleep. Judy crashed about 9 but John held out to see the end of the movie. Now reigns the peace and quiet of 10pm and here I am trying to write something clever.
I love having my whole family home for meals,
as soon as they are in one place I feel like I am a prisoner of war!
Not tonight, I pulled out my Commanding Officer uniform and made them take medication, so I could have some peace and save my evening...... AND IT WORKED TOO!
Now this prisoner can do some relaxing.
Early morning trip to Toronto to meet the Royal Military College representatives. So Davinci Code is for tomorrow night.
Good Night
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