Friday September 12th 2014

How in the world does 12 hours go by so quickly??????????
It was a very late start this morning.
I LOVE cool crisp mornings. When I wake up, I like to roll over, snuggle into the comforter and snooze a little longer.
Unfortunately, this morning's extra snooze was until 11am. Got up and slugged some coffee to completely wake up by noon. It was a track pant kind of day.
I wrote a TO DO list.
One of the jobs was making a grocery chart. An all encompassing, what do you usually have in the cupboard grocery list. At least once a year I print off this particular huge shopping list and we go through the cupboards to ensure we are completely stocked for winter snow days, and holiday impromptu visits. UNFORTUNATELY, I lost my original copy when I dropped coke on the laptop last year. So today I finally finished rebuilding it! I even took the time to post it on our recipe blog (jic!)
As I remember things that are missing, I add them on.
Like, ice salt and car stuff. Going to add that before I head up to bed.
So, according to my calculations, I got very very little done today.
I did make some labels for my mom like she asked, but never got them in the mail. I did get the grocery list typed out, but never got it printed. I planned out a great supper, but Judy had to work. So I accomplished finishing watching season 1 of 2 Broke Girls in a record amount of time. (as I only bought it last night)
Everything was against me today...... but tomorrow looks promising!
Good night.

How in the world does 12 hours go by so quickly??????????
It was a very late start this morning.
I LOVE cool crisp mornings. When I wake up, I like to roll over, snuggle into the comforter and snooze a little longer.
Unfortunately, this morning's extra snooze was until 11am. Got up and slugged some coffee to completely wake up by noon. It was a track pant kind of day.
I wrote a TO DO list.
One of the jobs was making a grocery chart. An all encompassing, what do you usually have in the cupboard grocery list. At least once a year I print off this particular huge shopping list and we go through the cupboards to ensure we are completely stocked for winter snow days, and holiday impromptu visits. UNFORTUNATELY, I lost my original copy when I dropped coke on the laptop last year. So today I finally finished rebuilding it! I even took the time to post it on our recipe blog (jic!)
As I remember things that are missing, I add them on.
Like, ice salt and car stuff. Going to add that before I head up to bed.
So, according to my calculations, I got very very little done today.
I did make some labels for my mom like she asked, but never got them in the mail. I did get the grocery list typed out, but never got it printed. I planned out a great supper, but Judy had to work. So I accomplished finishing watching season 1 of 2 Broke Girls in a record amount of time. (as I only bought it last night)
Everything was against me today...... but tomorrow looks promising!
Good night.
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