May 27th 2020


I was too tired to bother
Getting up this morning.

When I did get up
I did a run around
Finishing jobs and chores.

A quick run out
And then home to wrap gifts.

I helped John make
Planting decisions out back.

A walk around the back yard
Shows the huge amount
Of work John has put into
Redesigning our back yard!

As most of our summer will be spent
Alone back here, 
I am so pleased he is finally
Happy with the landscaping.
The lilac hedge is in bloom too.

Small details 
and a couple more planters 
Will finish our relaxing space.

We had a "college supper"
Of white kd and hot dogs
And John took a well deserved nap.

Now it's my turn to head for bed.

Good night from John Street


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