May 19th 2020
I DID NOT want to get up
This morning but I did
Because for the first time
In quite a while I woke up
Before 9am!!!!!
Time to get serious,
So I even ate some toaster waffles!
Cleaned the kitchen,
Loaded the dishwasher,
Made the stew for supper,
Got the bread maker started,
Completely cleared the extra table
In my scrapbook (finally)
And put it away!
Put pickups outside,
Did a 100+ piece layout
In the week's challenge
And then...
I went out to get a drink
Where I learned how nice
It actually was outside
And decided to sit out there
For a bit munching on corn chips.
Checked in with mom,
While the 2 cats checked every
Corner and blade of grass
They could reach on their leashes.
Then John decided to shape
the new back garden rock wall!
He trimmed, and tied, and dug
And gathered which ended
With a beautiful area
And an actual path to the
Newly piled wood pile.
Served the stew in freshly baked
Bread bowls right out of the oven!
I was too cold and tires
To do much else so I watched some tv.
Good night (early) from John Street
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