August 9th 2019

What happened yesterday?

I was an hour behind from the start
But only ended up 10 minutes late
For the baby shower!

I have spent the week trying
To not only catch up
But get ahead because I am gone
Most of next week!

» Pit stop at $ store for Valleyview
»Coffee with Dad
»visit with Great Nephews
»Order and pick up meds
»gas up and wash my car
»gas up and wash John's car
»2 laundry loads
»1 hour rest with tylenol due to headache
»Make supper
»print photos
»Baby shower
»divide pills for the next 5 weeks
»put away laundry
»clean bedroom

Not bad!
Just missed pack suitcase
And make 4 boutinierres.

Today however has a L-O-N-G list
And I really want to get through it
So John and I can have
A relaxing weekend together.

»Sleep in "a bit" 9am
Strip bed and wash sheets
Wash towels and dry
(Thanks in advance Mom)
Pay Timken for Sept event
Pay hydro
Remicade in N London
EBay and 2 Princess updates
Lens Mills to price a project
Buy coke
Clean craft room
Make 4 boutenierres
Calendars up and filled for aug
Fold laundry
Make supper
Budget for next week's trip
Pack suitcase

So if I am going to get this done,
I guess I better get up.

Good morning from John Street


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