August 30th 2019

Yesterday was busy.
Coffee at Valleyview with Dad
Then home to make signage
For 2 Princesses
Organized a BYOM bbq
Make john supper
Out to help with a quarter auction
Home and got john off to work
Ordered a pizza and watched tv.

MY season is almost upon us.
I love fall and spring!
Nice days and chilly evenings.
Big meals!
Movie nights!

No screaming children
In every store you enter!

I do not have school age kids
I still believe that their vacation
Should be broken up!
One month over Christmas,
(Snow days make it that way anyway)
One month over summer
2 weeks at March break
1 week at thanksgiving
1 week at easter
Maybe even
1 week for the may and sept long weekends.
The cost of having them home
(Camp trips etc)
Would be less each time
The kids would be less bored
Teachers wouldn't need PA days
And have the time
To catch up
And family holidays could be spent
Not only differently than just summer stuff
But holidays could be more than
Just a quick meal with family!

I am so far unplanned!

Good morning from John Street


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