Sept 27
Good morning.
Oh for most of you
Your bodies will be snuggled
In bed and probably been there
for quite a while now.
I began Thursday by snoozing
My alarm one too many times,
So I started by running late!
#1 pack the craft project
That Dad wanted to do today
#2 run to Dollarama for missing items
#3 pick up donuts for breakfast
#4 make coffee at Valleyview
#5 spend a couple hours
Helping Dad make wreaths
For Mom and I
#6 lunch
#7 deliver Mom's wreath
#8 head home and check flyers
#9 John and I went and bought
A new car barn for the Essex
#10 off to buy 65 quarter chickens
65 baking potatoes and supper
#11 home and unpacked the car
prep work for food
#12 order tables for crop
#13 cooking all the potatoes,
And then cooling and packing
#14 roasting 65 chicken pieces
#15 supper was a roasted chicken,
Buns, salad and relax for 15 min
#16 mandolining 20lbs carrots
And then cooking and bagging them
#17 off to pack the van at Connie's
#18 home to pick up my computer
then off to McDonalds to order
The Disney photo CD
#19 home again to start cleaning
The kitchen and start the dishwasher
#20 dice all veggies and debone chicken
to make a pot of curry chicken
For Sunday's lunch (my turn) and refrigerate
#21 curly cut carrots and cook
For Sunday's lunch and refrigerate
#22 get John off to work
#23 eat half a bag of M&M's to stay awake
#24 pack 50 cent items for vendoring
#25 answer emails
#26 post 2 days of planning pages
#27 wash 3 loads of pots and big bowls
#28 pre-par-cook cauliflower, cooling, bagging
#29 clean the stove
#30 scrub baking sheets
#31 garbage all taken out
#32 folded a load of laundry
#33 gather a load of laundry to do tomorrow
#34 give myself a high five for doing more
than I expected to get done
Friday: clay art at Valleyview, coffee at Mom's, set up at Legion for crop, prep foods
Saturday: crop cooking, vendoring, auctioning
Sunday: church, coffee at VV, lunch, hang pictures in craft space,
Monday: remicade, 31 purse party
Good night from John Street
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