Sept 22


I was supposed to be
In lockdown at home today,
But alas,
Some things were missed
On the to do list yesterday.

I was on the road by 10am.

Off to do some "in person" banking,
And then off to Staples
Where I finally located 6 file folder
Organizers in black plastic.
Over to Dollar Tree for the missing
Items I needed for 2 projects.
Left there
And off to Home Hardware
Where I picked up some Garage items
And ordered my shelving.
Next Shoppers for some basics
And Mickey Oreos.

John cleaned the back yard
And painted the first coat
In that back storage room.
I am so excited to be ALMOST
Able to reload the room
And finish the decorating
In BOTH rooms.

I spent a big portion of time today,
Making a fresh tomato blend
From our massive tomato plants,
A homemade cheese sauce for a
Mac and cheese casserole,
(and 2 travel containers),
A large macaroni salad and
2 banana spice loaf cakes.

I FINALLY cleared the counters
In my kitchen and did all the dishes.
I made a coke lamp,
I also did 2 loads of laundry,
Organized 76 pieces of jewellery
For the crop's auction,
Had supper with John
And did some framing.

Wonderful weather
To actually accomplish stuff today.

Sunday; church, coffee at VV, driving to Sarnia, work on room
Monday: painting backdrops for crop, burn disney discs, quilt night
Tuesday: packing goodie bags for crop
Wednesday: LDO, crafting at Valleyview
Thursday: coffee at Valleyview, buy groceries for crop,
Friday: clay art at Valleyview, coffee at Mom's, set up at Legion for crop, prep foods
Saturday: crop cooking, vendoring, auctioning
Sunday: church, coffee at VV, lunch

Good night from John Street


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