Feb 23


A VERY ugly o'clock today,
But I got Mom to university hospital for 8am.

Fast in, fast bloodwork
And 70 minutes later we were in the car
And heading out!

I like the new surgeon.
Mom will be getting her left knee
Replaced in the next 6 months
Or sooner as she is on the cancellation list
To speed up the process.

The next stop was for lunch
Hahahahah at 10am.
We arrived 2 hours early
But our hostess was wonderful
And lunfast was really yummy.

Out onto Wellington Road
With a stop at Lindt,
Drop mom off at the condo
And then home.

Pretty much completely drained
I lazed around the house ALL night,
Thankful I had put chili in the crock pot
Before I left this morning.

No news is good news from Valleyview
So Dad must be settling back in.

I stayed up tonight late
Weird cause I was up early,
Just chilling watching tv.

Good night from John Street


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