Feb 22


Not my ordinary thursday.
Up and dressed and out the door
By 9:30am!

First stop Timmies for the guys' donuts,
And then off to Valleyview.

Got coffee all set up,
Just in time to give Martin
His weekly Boston cream.

Was all cleaned up by 11.
Headed for the wallpaper store.
Found one I loved.
The living room needs some help.
It's looking scraggly.
John measured and approved my idea
And the sample (cause it's perfect)
And then he was off to bed.

A little lunch and deliberation,
And I was back at the wallpaper store
Before 3!
Everything bought,
I made a dollar store pit stop.

St Patrick's Day:
Tableware - check
Napkins and plates - check
6 table gifts - check
Cups - check
Cards - check

Tableware - check
Napkins and plates - check
6 table gifts - check
Cups - check
Cards - check
16 kids gifts and bags - check

Popped over to Valleyview
Dad was released this morning.
Apparently I just missed him
When I left.
I dropped off his donut
And headed home.

I got here, unloaded the car
and then started packaging gifts,
Made the cards (handmade btw)
And got dinner (lasagna)
Into the oven... then I sat down.

After a delicious dinner
That included caesar salad,
We did a bit of organizing.

I managed to kick a wood box,
Hard enough to bring tears,
So I called it a night.

Kitchen clean,
I headed upstairs.

Alarm set,
Clothes for ugly o'clock picked out,
Bed remade,
Meds taken....

I am now in bed.

- have to be mobile at 7am -
Yeah that should be fun!

But Mom has a surgeon appointment
For her knees!!!!!! Finally!
Naturally its in North London.

Good night from John Street


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