Jan 22


A VERYYY slow start today.

Took robaxacet 2 more times last night
And still very sore when I woke up.
A hot shower and jeans
instead of track pants helped a bit,
But it was going to be a painful day.

I was very thankful
I spent that extra time straightening up
Before going to bed last night.

Minor chores like cleaning the urns
And returning them
I gave to John!!!!
We also got the pop fridge cleaned
After having a major explosion
From some frozen cans
and a few wine bottles!!!!

Counters in the kitchen got cleared,
2 loads of laundry washed,
Garbage contained and recycling done,
I made a pork roast for supper
With fresh fruit chutney gravy,
Spinach and cheese pasta with veggies
And cake for dessert.
I am on a mission to use up
A bunch of small stuff in the freezer/fridge.

The evening was spent
Trying to relax my back,
Although there was no comfy position
So here I am,
At 9:30pm in bed already!

Hopefully a good nights sleep
Will be helpful!

Good night from John Street


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