Jan 11
Just somedays,
You wish you could go back to bed
And have a restart on your day.
It must have been some cosmic
Party somewhere but
A lot of us down here weren't laughing!
Was going to hit snooze
But 2 phone calls
Corrected that path
And I was up and dressed
And out the door
With a loaded vehicle before 9:30.
Cookies to the soup kitchen,
Donations dropped off,
A couple drug store pick ups,
And off to visit Dad
For the first day in 7!
Home again,
Numbed by the stupidity of others,
I learnt mine was not the only day
That was veering off the happiness track.
It mystifies me
Just how devious some people
Can try to be.
Mom was feeling better,
So we went to check out
The big clearance sale at Canadale.
I indulged in some new urn decor
For next year.
I took her to the grocery store
For a few things,
And I grabbed the makings
for sausage and peppers tonight.
And then the rain began
So I got her home.
And I had ordered my new meds
First thing this morning
But forgot to pick them up.
Grrrrrr! So I called and they promised
To deliver at some point this evening.
I cooked John a yummy (apparently)
Sausage and noodle dish
And managed to get not only the kitchen,
But the living room, dining room
and front porch tidied and vacuumed,
While accomplishing 2 loads of laundry.
Tomorrow is coffee.
Where the day will go from there...
Anybody's guess.
Good night from John Street
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