October 7th 2017

Ugly o'clock.
I had to be at the Legion
(thankfully just 4 houses away)
by 8am to get ready.

Coffee started and snacks out,
our vendors started arriving.
Added more prizes
and organizing things
for all our guests today.

its the Crohns and Colitis Fundraiser.
Another Disney theme this year,
and 35 women came to play.

Breakfast was fruit,
coffee, tea and juices,
muffins and mini cinnamon buns.

After a welcome
and a few choice prize draws,
I headed to my job for the day,
which was the kitchen.

Lunch was turkey and rice soup,
make your own sandwiches
with strawberries and cookies
to top off a yummy meal.

After a clean up
I popped out to visit the girls,
and have my only Mikes Hard
for the whole day.
Its still a little early for me 
to be drinking. (next weekend)

Lots of happy ladies
as we gave away more prizes,
auctioned off a few items,
and generally acted silly.

Supper was salads,
cran-cherry gingerale,
stuffed pasta shells
and cupcakes and fruit cocktail
to wrap up the food for the day.

Now the job of cleaning up
and packing up the kitchen
and the leftovers began
the door prize draws were being done.

Thankfully a couple hubbies
arrived to give me a hand.

To make a little more money,
we have always sold off
the leftovers and anything
that would have to be "stored" for a year.

Lots of interest in leftover soup
and the leftover pasta,
but happily many wanted the plates etc
for this weekends Thanksgiving meals.

By 8:30, the kitchen was clean!
I am always anal about the shape
of the kitchen when I am done,
to ensure we will be allowed back.

Next was the closure of each room 
and the gathering of the garbage,
packing the vehicles
and getting home to crash
after working hard all day.

I seen many happy faces
as our guests rolled their bags out.
Lots of compliments.

For the first time ever,
we were all packed up, cleaned up
and ready to head home by 9:10pm!

I am ready for bed
and it is just 10pm now.
Lots of muscle relaxors....
and sleep.

Good night from John Street


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