October 16th 2017
Ugly o'clock reared it's head
In the form of a nasty
Little alarm buzzing away.
I was quickly on the road
(With my seat warmers on)
Headed for North London.
Arrived in time
AND managed to stop
And pick up a tea!
Fairly easy IV today,
I watched tv and rested
For most of the 2 hours.
I was still tired.
Stupid ugly o'clock.
I left there and headed
For East London
To gather some pine cones.
Then off to the Kilmer spread
To grab some more.
Managed to deal with
The wedding gift needed
For 12 days from now,
And headed home
where I found John had
Spent the morning cleaning
And then raking the yard.
(Stupid black walnuts everywhere)
John took one look at me,
And sent me for pj's,
And pointed to the sofa,
Where I spent most
of the rest of the day!
2 pick ups
Helped empty my front room.
I addressed ALL my christmas
Card envelopes and put on
The return address labels!
Then I sat and signed 140
Cards from santa
For my adopted retirement home.
John made us grilled cheese
And chicken noodle soup
For supper tonight. YUM!
Anyone who knows me,
Knows I only eat soup and enjoy it
When I am not feeling great.
The evening was spent
Working with my cricut
And getting Dad's projects organized.
He is way ahead of me!
John just tossed me into bed
And headed off for work.
A very relaxed couple days!
The house is starting to look
Sane again after weeks
Of messy Bessy housekeeping.
Going to chill for one more day,
And then maybe back to
Go go go!
Good night from John Street
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