August 4th 2017

Today hours went by 
extremely fast or extremely slow.....

No real plans for the morning but chores,
and when John finally got home,
he had visited Dad
and as he ate some breakfast
a friend showed up 
with blueberry ice cream (not my fav)
so he got a treat too!

It was off to the bank to sign paperwork,
and then off with a $400 budget
to build a garden/tractor shed
on the  left facing side of the
new garage/mancave.
It has been in the works 
and on the to do list for a while now,
and tomorrow we shall see
framing at least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy to say that with tax and delivery
we went over budget by $5.

Home again,
I relaxed most of the afternoon
while John slept.

When he woke up,
he was 10 minutes early for the pizza!
I had delivery arranged for 8:30!
We ate out in the breezy back yard.

He went neighborhood visiting
and I chatted with Mom.

Now it is time to get the man off to work
and me off to bed.

Good night from John Street


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