July 9th 2017

Off to church with Dad
and then breakfast at the condo.

Dad happily wheeled around

checking out the new gardens
talking to neighbours
and taking in the beautiful day.

John headed off to mow our lawn,
I was off to a bridal shower,
and Mom ended up calling 911
because she had a problem
getting Dad out of his chair.
Turns out he had a fever
and needs a bit of TLC.

Bridal shower was fun.
Dresses and hats and tea cups.

Dinner at the condo
with a fun group of people,
then it was time to get Dad back....
a long day for him.

Some no shows for supper,
but all in all a nice (busy) day
just disappointing that
with all the social media available to us,
one cannot leave a message
that you can't make it.

Good night from John Street


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