July 26th 2017
4am sucked.
I woke with a scream.
My whole body was sore.
I must have been sleeping so soundly
I did not realize I was curled up.
EVERY joint hurt.
2 robaxacet and I finally got back to sleep.
By 9am,
my mind was racing with all the things
I needed to get done in the next few days.
But me and the fur babies
laid there doing nothing
but enjoying the pain free fog
from the medications at 4am.
Then it was all business.
Time to clean up the bedroom,
throw a comforter in the wash,
feed, water and let the pets out.
Time to get dressed
and get packed up for LDO.
Birthday lunch is always great.
So much food.
I managed to put new batting
in an old comfy comforter I love.
I helped Mom finish painting a bird
for her quilt panel.
I organized brads and buttons
for a friend.
Headed home for an afternoon rest,
did a load of laundry,
while John slept,
and Taylor came and mowed the lawn.
When John came up,
we spent an hour vacuuming and dusting
the living room and dining room.
Then we were off to put the furniture
BACK into the finished garage,
now that the paint on the floor
is dry and ready for the final set up.
Cleaned the kitchen,
after our baked pasta supper,
then we went and had
ice cream from the corner store,
and stopped to give our sympathy
to our neighbours who lost
a parent suddenly yesterday.
Now John is off to work.
I have a long "to do" list
for this weekend.
Good night from John Street
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