JAN 16
January 16th 2017
Remicade Day.
Up and at 'em by by 7:30am.

Started by doing the banking
then headed to North London
with a tea in my hand.
Infusion started by 9am,
and Doctors appointment
DURING my infusion
at 9:30am in the same building.
I managed to get my
"to do list" phone calls made,
and was done this months infusion
by 11:30am and ready
to start my list of chores.
I had made a plan of attack,
Start by heading down Adelaide
to Sanders for pool table stuff,
continue on to Bombay Company
to exchange a door,
a cinnabon cake purchased,
then off to Len's Mills
for foam for the dart board.
A quick stop at Fast Eddies.
Next off to Tepperman's
to pick up the tv and mounts,
and lastly a stop
at No Frills for some last minute
groceries for Mom and me.
I managed to get this all done
by 1:30 (so 2 hours)
and I was headed back
to St Thomas in time
to meet my nephew
and his bride to be for
some lunch and cinnabon cake.
Dad beat me there,
he took his first para-transit ride,
and everything went smoothly.
We had a lovely visit,
heard the story about the ring
and how he proposed.
They had to head back
to get Mike packed,
as he leaves for BC for 2 years
this week!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so glad
we got a chance to see them.
It was weird to see Dad
leave to take the bus home...
I think we are so used
to tending to every moment
of his life that its odd to let
all of that go to someone else.
I got Mom's kitchen clean
the fridge cleaned out
and the garbage gathered.
Judy arrived to pick me up
and loaded my groceries
into the car to head home.
We salted the sidewalk,
I grabbed my pjs,
and put my feet up.
I found something awesome to watch
and made my plans for tomorrow
which do not include
the words MOM or DAD
Tonight was very relaxing,
tomorrow I would like
to say is very accomplishing.
Good night from John Street
Remicade Day.
Up and at 'em by by 7:30am.
Started by doing the banking
then headed to North London
with a tea in my hand.
Infusion started by 9am,
and Doctors appointment
DURING my infusion
at 9:30am in the same building.
I managed to get my
"to do list" phone calls made,
and was done this months infusion
by 11:30am and ready
to start my list of chores.
I had made a plan of attack,
Start by heading down Adelaide
to Sanders for pool table stuff,
continue on to Bombay Company
to exchange a door,
a cinnabon cake purchased,
then off to Len's Mills
for foam for the dart board.
A quick stop at Fast Eddies.
Next off to Tepperman's
to pick up the tv and mounts,
and lastly a stop
at No Frills for some last minute
groceries for Mom and me.
I managed to get this all done
by 1:30 (so 2 hours)
and I was headed back
to St Thomas in time
to meet my nephew
and his bride to be for
some lunch and cinnabon cake.
Dad beat me there,
he took his first para-transit ride,
and everything went smoothly.
We had a lovely visit,
heard the story about the ring
and how he proposed.
They had to head back
to get Mike packed,
as he leaves for BC for 2 years
this week!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so glad
we got a chance to see them.
It was weird to see Dad
leave to take the bus home...
I think we are so used
to tending to every moment
of his life that its odd to let
all of that go to someone else.
I got Mom's kitchen clean
the fridge cleaned out
and the garbage gathered.
Judy arrived to pick me up
and loaded my groceries
into the car to head home.
We salted the sidewalk,
I grabbed my pjs,
and put my feet up.
I found something awesome to watch
and made my plans for tomorrow
which do not include
the words MOM or DAD
Tonight was very relaxing,
tomorrow I would like
to say is very accomplishing.
Good night from John Street
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