
September 29th 2016

Early morning wake up
as Remicade was at 9am
in NORTH London.

I was late because of construction
but it was a full house so no problem.
Finished there and had
my ankle checked out
by my docot who,
is in the same building!
I did sprain it before we left
and walking in Disney did me
no favours at all,
so I am glad we had the ankle brace
and wheelchair while we
were there!
I have to relax it,
keep it up and iced
and if it is not better by Oct 24
he will insist on physio!

Home after doing banking
and picking up a few things,
I packed my bags for Beamsville,
and got John all set up
for a few (maybe 5) days without me.

I made a couple pit stops
on the way and it took 3 hours
not the usual 2 to get here.

Lots to do,
but I do have the house straightened
and the parents medicated
and in seperate bedrooms.
until mom's fever breaks.

Tomorrow will be busy,
so I am off to find somewhere
that I can sleep,
after I do one more load of laundry.

Good Night from Allan Court


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