September 22nd 2016
Wow. Its quite unreal
how fast this month passed.
Today I had a road trip
that lasted a few hours longer
than we actually expected,
came home and cleaned
the entire tv room...
even vacuuming UNDER the furniture.

I got John off to work
and managed a dinner
for a Reservist who
came home at 4 and back out at 6!
Wow. Its quite unreal
how fast this month passed.
Today I had a road trip
that lasted a few hours longer
than we actually expected,
came home and cleaned
the entire tv room...
even vacuuming UNDER the furniture.
I got John off to work
and managed a dinner
for a Reservist who
came home at 4 and back out at 6!
I then headed over
to get groceries.
It was an endeavour
only because John is currently
on a new healthy eating kick,
we were out of everything!
A truck load of groceries,
and I came home
with a sore ankle
and sweating like crazy.
Grabbed a quick shower
before dragging everything inside
and going through the bags
to get everything put away.
Tomorrow I have a lot of prep
stuff to do on veggies and fruit,
but I can do that with my foot up!
Its also Friday!
I plan to get my living room
back in order, vacuumed and dusted.
Then My job will be
to tackle the dining room
and get the fall decor out,
as apparently I am having
the turkey dinner here.
if you are looking for me.....
I will be the one hobbling around
on John Street in shorts with my hair up,
hopefully accomplishing tons.
Good night from John Street
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