May 26th and 27th 2016
What a busy busy 2 days.
May 26th
I was up at the crack of ugly
packed my bags and straightened the truck
for my trip to St Catharines.
Picked up Aunt Sandra
at 10am sharp
and we were off to the 401.

We made good time,
arriving in St Catharines before 12:30.
Greeted in the parking lot
by Jim and Karen,
where thankfully there was a lovely breeze.
A quick check in with
the few family members,
I knew, that were there,
and I checked in with John by phone.
Skipping ahead to the reception
where lots of memories were shared
and laughter and food started
healing the wounds of loss.
Back to Mom's in Beamsville
for Aunt Sandra and I,
where a ham dinner was waiting for us.
A visit with the bride and groom to be,
Nick and Adrianne,
only to learn that they have put an offer
in on a house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 10:30, the call came in
and it had been accepted!!!!!!!!!

Time for bed.
Nice way to end the hot day.
Good night from Allan Court in Beamsville.
May 27th
I woke to find my Dad
looking for some help this morning.
Mom's doctor gave her
a sleeping pill to try......
she slept through the night
and well into the morning.
We did breakfast in the sunroom
where there was a beautiful breeze.
By 10am I had:
*hired a lawn maintenance company for them
*called and complained to weed man for her
*gave dad too many pain killers (oops)
*taken the dog out
*called and fought about the sunroom
*made mom STAY in bed
*fed and watered the dog
*arranged a doggie sitter for September
*made a dog groomers appointment
*got dressed
and all before Dad's nurse arrived.
Off I ran for some treats
as my cousin Teresa
was coming to visit
and it was too hot to bake.
LOVELY little bakery in Beamsville.
Came back and was able to say
Happy Birthday to my nephew Micheal.
We had a lovely visit,
I sent Mom back to bed
and Dad and I were off to the QEW
after letting the dog out again.
We made good time and no wrong turns
and arrived at a specialty shoe store in Thorold.
As Dad rolled in,
the display of boots was to his immediate right
which he missed completely!
After a bit of fussing
and some size playing
we were able to get him into a lovely pair
of black deerskin boots!
EVEN his bad foot fit!
The left boot will be fitted with a zipper
to ensure ease of getting on.
He was so thrilled to find
boots for the wedding so easily.

We left there quite happy,
and rolled down the street
to a REAL barbershop
where he got his hair cut.
Wile waiting I back tracked
as I had seen a lovely purse
in a window back near where we had started.
Thank goodness I did.
As I got to the alley,
a man was hovering over an overturned scooter,
with a woman lying under it.
He was busy calling 911,
so I got down on the ground
to keep her talking
and see if I could get any info
for the coming paramedics.
The ambulance took over 20 minutes,
by the time they arrived,
the shock had worn off
and she started screaming in pain.

I backed out giving over the info I knew,
and turned back to the way I was going.
There at the boot store,
the whole staff rushed out in concern
as they had heard about the accident
and thought it was Dad.
I assured them he was fine,
and headed the van down the street
to go pick him up.
The purse btw was $39
but I was sunburnt tired and too thirsty
to actually go in and get it.
I parked in front of the barber shop
only to find out
it was a REAL barbershop
and he only took cash.....
out and TG
there was a bank machine across the street.

Got Dad out
and started to get him
transferred into the van,
when a weird noise distracted both of us.
A car full of noisy idiots had hit (?)
a boy walking his dog and screeched away.
I relalized what was happening
and screamed to see if he was ok,
embarrassed he got up and hurried away.
stupid bullies.....
It was then that Dad and I realized
we were way off on this transfer
and the only way to go
was me picking him up and putting him
into the transfer seat.
(not more than a foot away)
I apologized if I hurt him
and got him into the truck
with no further problems
except trying to drive the chair
on to the van lift which I was
excruciatingly bad at!
I got into the van
cranked the a/c
and took a big drink
of the very warm coke I had left.
I turned to Dad and said....
"bad day to be in Thorold,
lets get the hell out of here".

We took the highway back
into St Catharines and got some gas.
Brought it into the car wash
for a quick rinse off (dirty van mom!)
and we decided to take the LONG
way back to Beamsville not the QEW.
Dad was happy
as he had not been that way in a while.
very little traffic
A quick stop at the dollar store
to pick up the requested birthday card,
and we arrived back at the house
about 5:30pm.
Aunt Sandra and I finished packing the truck
and hit the road about 6:30ish.
We made a pit stop
at Wendy's for supper
and managed to keep ourselves amused
the whole 2 hour drive.
Nice little visit with Judy and John,
closed up the house
and got the fans running
for our expected-to-be really hot Saturday.
I am not unpacking tonight
I am ready for some sleep!
so Good night from John Street.
What a busy busy 2 days.
May 26th
I was up at the crack of ugly
packed my bags and straightened the truck
for my trip to St Catharines.
Picked up Aunt Sandra
at 10am sharp
and we were off to the 401.
We made good time,
arriving in St Catharines before 12:30.
Greeted in the parking lot
by Jim and Karen,
where thankfully there was a lovely breeze.
A quick check in with
the few family members,
I knew, that were there,
and I checked in with John by phone.
Skipping ahead to the reception
where lots of memories were shared
and laughter and food started
healing the wounds of loss.
Back to Mom's in Beamsville
for Aunt Sandra and I,
where a ham dinner was waiting for us.
A visit with the bride and groom to be,
Nick and Adrianne,
only to learn that they have put an offer
in on a house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 10:30, the call came in
and it had been accepted!!!!!!!!!
Time for bed.
Nice way to end the hot day.
Good night from Allan Court in Beamsville.
May 27th
I woke to find my Dad
looking for some help this morning.
Mom's doctor gave her
a sleeping pill to try......
she slept through the night
and well into the morning.
We did breakfast in the sunroom
where there was a beautiful breeze.
By 10am I had:
*hired a lawn maintenance company for them
*called and complained to weed man for her
*gave dad too many pain killers (oops)
*taken the dog out
*called and fought about the sunroom
*made mom STAY in bed
*fed and watered the dog
*arranged a doggie sitter for September
*made a dog groomers appointment
*got dressed
and all before Dad's nurse arrived.
Off I ran for some treats
as my cousin Teresa
was coming to visit
and it was too hot to bake.
LOVELY little bakery in Beamsville.
Came back and was able to say
Happy Birthday to my nephew Micheal.
We had a lovely visit,
I sent Mom back to bed
and Dad and I were off to the QEW
after letting the dog out again.
We made good time and no wrong turns
and arrived at a specialty shoe store in Thorold.
As Dad rolled in,
the display of boots was to his immediate right
which he missed completely!
After a bit of fussing
and some size playing
we were able to get him into a lovely pair
of black deerskin boots!
EVEN his bad foot fit!
The left boot will be fitted with a zipper
to ensure ease of getting on.
He was so thrilled to find
boots for the wedding so easily.

We left there quite happy,
and rolled down the street
to a REAL barbershop
where he got his hair cut.
Wile waiting I back tracked
as I had seen a lovely purse
in a window back near where we had started.
Thank goodness I did.
As I got to the alley,
a man was hovering over an overturned scooter,
with a woman lying under it.
He was busy calling 911,
so I got down on the ground
to keep her talking
and see if I could get any info
for the coming paramedics.
The ambulance took over 20 minutes,
by the time they arrived,
the shock had worn off
and she started screaming in pain.
I backed out giving over the info I knew,
and turned back to the way I was going.
There at the boot store,
the whole staff rushed out in concern
as they had heard about the accident
and thought it was Dad.
I assured them he was fine,
and headed the van down the street
to go pick him up.
The purse btw was $39
but I was sunburnt tired and too thirsty
to actually go in and get it.
I parked in front of the barber shop
only to find out
it was a REAL barbershop
and he only took cash.....
out and TG
there was a bank machine across the street.
Got Dad out
and started to get him
transferred into the van,
when a weird noise distracted both of us.
A car full of noisy idiots had hit (?)
a boy walking his dog and screeched away.
I relalized what was happening
and screamed to see if he was ok,
embarrassed he got up and hurried away.
stupid bullies.....
It was then that Dad and I realized
we were way off on this transfer
and the only way to go
was me picking him up and putting him
into the transfer seat.
(not more than a foot away)
I apologized if I hurt him
and got him into the truck
with no further problems
except trying to drive the chair
on to the van lift which I was
excruciatingly bad at!
I got into the van
cranked the a/c
and took a big drink
of the very warm coke I had left.
I turned to Dad and said....
"bad day to be in Thorold,
lets get the hell out of here".
We took the highway back
into St Catharines and got some gas.
Brought it into the car wash
for a quick rinse off (dirty van mom!)
and we decided to take the LONG
way back to Beamsville not the QEW.
Dad was happy
as he had not been that way in a while.
very little traffic
A quick stop at the dollar store
to pick up the requested birthday card,
and we arrived back at the house
about 5:30pm.
Aunt Sandra and I finished packing the truck
and hit the road about 6:30ish.
We made a pit stop
at Wendy's for supper
and managed to keep ourselves amused
the whole 2 hour drive.
Nice little visit with Judy and John,
closed up the house
and got the fans running
for our expected-to-be really hot Saturday.
I am not unpacking tonight
I am ready for some sleep!
so Good night from John Street.
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