May 19th 2016
Doctors appointment in London.
I report my symptoms,
ask my questions,
and sometimes I feel
like no one can hear what I am saying.
Doctors appointment in London.
I report my symptoms,
ask my questions,
and sometimes I feel
like no one can hear what I am saying.
We now wait sooo long for appointments
with our physicians.
We wait for the appointment,
we wait in the waiting room,
we wait in the cubicle,
we wait after the nurse takes the notes,
we wait while he/she reads the notes that were made,
we wait while they look up info on the computer,
we wait for them to write prescriptions,
we wait for bloodwork to be done,
we wait for months/years for specialists....
and by the time we see the doctor,
the pain has gotten better,
the infection has healed itself,
the questions we wanted to ask, forgotten.
I asked for help.
I was told a pill would help.
you know what would have helped more???
knowing the meds were $300!!!!!!!!!!
I was told the paperwork could be filled out
and I could pick it up,
but not when.
I was told my disease
did not fit the criteria
for the tax credit I was told I was entitled.
To that I say.....
live my life.
I am tired of doctors being so.....
annoying, dispassionate,
and really unhelpful.
on I plod through this journey.
Still waiting for the plastic surgeon
(9 months now if you have been counting)
to call with an appointment.
Service with a wait time.
Still waiting to see if the gasterenolgist
is going to keep me on Remicade
or are we taking another path.
Still waiting for the call from the GP
to pick up paperwork I waited 3 weeks
to drop off to him!

I wait
I pay
I deserve to have my time valued too.
I deserve to have my time valued too.
End of rant.
I spent the morning in London.
Did a bit of amazing shopping,
picked up meds,
found the solar lights for the garden,
spent the afternoon cooking and gardening,
went to a "taste of Syria"
and enjoyed some culture and food,
went to a CtmH party
and had fun with friends.
I even got into some mischief,
and now it is time to get my hubby off to work,
Judy off to bed,
Good night from John Street
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