
February 8th 2016

Today was the last "first day"
of our new home life.
7 days into the new schedules

and I think
we may have it all figured out.

John is liking his new run
to Stoney Creek
(jic anyone wants to meet him there
at 2am for coffee)
and is home before lunchtime.

Judy's new career

at the St Thomas Armouries is going well.
She likes it and they seem to like her.

Talked to Mom and Dad today
and the new dog is fitting in perfectly!
He will now jump up and sit with Dad
as well as cuddle with Mom.
He has also figured out that Dad
is the keeper of the treats!
Tinker is following commands already
and I am sure is loving all the attention.

I spent this afternoon
grocery shopping.
That may seem like a chore to some,
but I really do enjoy it.

The twin terrors in my home

were sent for naps this afternoon.
We all sat down to taco salad
and weiner wraps for supper
followed by cherry pie and ice cream.

Tonight, was all about clean up,
making lunches and getting uniforms ready.
Then a bit of tv before heading to bed.

I have much to accomplish this week
so its off to bed for me.

Good night from John Street


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