February 19th 2016
I dropped Judy off at work
and went to work myself
on getting groceries!
I also bought the wallpaper
for our dining room today!
Its going to be a HUGE change.
For the first time in a while,
we all had dinner together
on a friday night
an watched a little tv.

41. Matches you never use (Maybe save a few in case of a power outage)
Its mid February and already
my year will be being cursed
by cancer.
So many of my family suffering.
Prayers to my family in Manitoba,
Aunt Elsie you will be in my prayers,
and always in my memories.
Good night from John Street
I dropped Judy off at work
and went to work myself
on getting groceries!
I also bought the wallpaper
for our dining room today!
Its going to be a HUGE change.
For the first time in a while,
we all had dinner together
on a friday night
an watched a little tv.

41. Matches you never use (Maybe save a few in case of a power outage)
42. Old newspapers
43. Expired Rx meds (Visit fda.gov for proper ways to dispose of them)
44. Extra pillows
45. Ticket stubs (Sentimental like myself? Store in a scrapbook or fill a mug with old stubs)
Its mid February and already
my year will be being cursed
by cancer.
So many of my family suffering.
Prayers to my family in Manitoba,
Aunt Elsie you will be in my prayers,
and always in my memories.
Good night from John Street
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