
October 8th 2015

Tis the day of amazing.
So much happened, and I will have lots to share,
after a short waiting period.

I spent most of the morning talking to insurance companies.

I made a dentist appointment (for me by me and I was alone!)
Dropped off Connie's car for her.
Found a "new to us" freezer.
Finally figured out the SHOMI station.

Suffice to say,

that it is a very good day for the Shannon family,
and a little sad too.

Good night from John Street.

DAY 4 - Oct 8th:


What do you really want for Christmas this year?...
For most people, dreams center around family, faith and friends. A celebration of our deepest joys. Yet too often those dreams go by the wayside as the holidays often distort what ends up happening.
Too much pressure is placed on the celebration and holiday commercials portray unrealistic expectations for “real” families.

Suddenly glamorous holiday scenes of perfect families, gourmet meals and glitzy holiday decor are seducing even the most talented hand-made gift givers. New family members may bring traditions of their own, children learn from friends of other families excess during this season and the hope you harbor for an old fashioned family holiday, may put you in a particularly hard place to plan from.

Connect with your holiday values with the worksheet at:


Ask your whole family to fill this out!


Repeat after me:

“I will not be wrapping gifts at midnight Christmas Eve!”

This is the single most underestimated chore of the holidays, and this year its going to be different. You set up an area for your binder, now consider where to set yourself up for wrapping! Stock up on your supplies now while everything is plentiful.


Set up a storybook, dvd or cd advent basket.

Make memories each day this December.

Fill a basket with wrapped books or DVD's or CD's.

Personally I have some of each.

Each day during the month of December,

have a member of the family unwrap one.

My mix works because if there will be no time for a movie,

we choose a CD that day.

For a small child or children it is a great way to start their own collection of Christmas favourites!

This make a great "family" gift.


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