
October 4th 2015

PYJAMA DAY here today.

I lazed around all morning talking to Joc.

Came down and found John ensconced in a car project,
Judy at work, Bandit the rabbit happy in her crate and Shooter engrossed with.... himself.

So, I spent the afternoon watching old movies, and getting the FB page up and ready for the 12 weeks to Christmas site. Each weekday a new post will be made with small challenges to get ready.

It was Judy's night to cook and she made an awesome pasta dinner.
I was so full I couldn't move, and neither could anyone else.

We all got our craft turkey projects planned for the Thanksgiving Day contest too. Chore lists for this week are up, and the dishwasher has ensured the kitchen will be clean in the morning too.

So, Judy tried walking around the block with her torn ligaments foot in a running shoe only. Her leg is quite stiff, and she will still be going to school in the air boot, she is going to start doing things in normal shoes this week.

Good night from John Street.


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