May 1st 2021

National scrap book day.

I was going outside,
But just to chilly - even for me.

I heeded a private challenge
And did 2 " type" layouts.

After lunch
I tackled 5 boxes of sorted photos
And discarded half
As they were duplicates,
Inconsequential or just plain
Crappy insignificant photos.

A snack break,
A bit of eBay shopping
And supper prep
-then I tackled 
what I thought would be
3 easy layouts on pre-made pages.
I ended up mostly tearing up
The premades and gave them
A totally different look.

Supper tonight was
Onion and Apple pork tenderloin,
Broccoli risotto and biscuits.

The end of the day
Was just some tv
And straightening of the bedroom.

Now - Bed.

Good night from John Street


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