December 2nd 2020

I spent today
Finishing a pile of lists
That all had only 1 or 2
Things on them.

A quick sandwich at burger king
And then remicade at 1.
The infusion went well,
But I was so cold
Every part of my body was aching.
I came home and slept until 8pm.

Every once in a while,
I take a peek out of 
My purple clouded world
Amongst the unicorns and bunnies.

I always come back with my
Head spinning with the one question
That I cannot fathom.

There is so many basic human
Things we can do for each other,
Qualities we should be passing on
To another generation.

Let's stop saying
"Millennial are snowflakes"
 "Baby boomers are stingy"
 "Kids just don't get it today"

Maybe it's time to focus
On being the kind of people we want
Around us and ensuring
That our family, immediate
Or extended or chosen 
know HOW to depend on us and
That family comes before
Money, pride and unfulfilled expectations.

This time of the year
Gives us a time for change,
And for taking a moment
To make sure YOUR people
Have every opportunity
To reclaim any part of the holidays
They may want to be a part of.

Money IS NOT the way
To show love when buying gifts,
Make someone happier than they are,
Money is only a MEANS
To do things.

Love is all anyone really needs.

Money will buy a gift
But not the love of another human being.

A gift is only as appreciated as much
As the thought you put into it.

$1 to buy a favourite gift 
From a childhood memory
Wil bring more to the gift receiver
Than $100 in lottery tickets.

Being there,
Even just to pop in for cookies,
Is worth more to someone
(In their heart)
Than you could pack in hundreds
Of wrapped gifts!

Sending a card and photo
To isolated family members
Will mean more to that person
Than any perfectly thought out
Expensive trinket.
It is such a simple gift.

Even a chocolate bar 
with a perfectly tied bow
That you find on your doorstep
With no note
Helps create wonder this holiday season
And may lift the spirits
Of someone who needed it that day.

Was my day to realize
That the way John and I 
Think about and use money
Is not how others may have been shown.

My time is invalueable
So I NEVER put a price tag on it.
My time is precious
So I only give it to those who want it now.

How are YOU teaching
Those you love to give of themselves?
What are you doing this season
To make someone's life special?
When will your family learn
If you don't start teaching them now?
Where do you need 
To adjust your priorities in life?
Who will you give a heartfelt gift
To this holiday?

Good night from John Street

Where sometimes tears
Are from joy
Are from sadness
And sometimes are juts heartfelt.


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