October 2nd 2020
What a day.
I have started a new routine
Which in itself does not incorporate
Anything really new but I am having
A bit of trouble doing all 10
EVERY morning.
1) stretch before getting up
I am over 50 and my body
doesn't understand that the number
Does not mean how many things
Should hurt first thing in the morning.
2) say outlook 3 things I am happy for
This should not be as hard as it is
If I go the easy route. (Being alive,
My house, having food etc)
I am actively working at thinking
About this and have actually had a hard time
Not just saying something easy.
3) getting dressed
I usually get completely dressed
Although not presentable dressing
Was happening, so I am trying
To go back to nicely dressed.
4) facial routine
I do not usually do much.
So every morning I have started
Wearing a light foundation
With sunscreen and moisturizer.
Someday more makeup,
But at least this.
5) make the bed
This one is hard as when I get up
Hubby is just going to bed.
6) turn on a relaxing cd
I tried this. But the ones I want
I have to get from the garage collection.
I am still sitting in peace most mornings.
7) drink and food
Not necessarily breakfast,
but at least some kind of food
As I was going some days without
Until supper time.
8) sit until CD is over
Hard! But I have started drinking
hot apple cider in the morning
So that helps extend my sit time.
I also read my emails at that time.
9) make a to do list
I usually have one.
So each morning I rewrite and add to
My ongoing list.
I also read and add items
From the Christmas organizer.
10) accountability
Check in with my online chats
And become accountable for my day.
Knowing someone is aware
Of my plans and need to do's
Makes me more likely to accomplish.
The day seems to start better
With this little routine.
I am happier and feel better
So it isn't hurting anything anyway.
Evening routine is a quick clean
And straighten up of each main floor room.
I wake up to a mostly spotless house!
Good night from John Street
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