June 1st 2020

Early morning phone call.
Dad is on oxygen but his fever
Has gone down thankfully.
He is experiencing some
Odd "thoughts" and asked
For his car to be pulled around.

And so with that I was up.

I put up the information
To the organizing site,
Then headed outside
Where John and I attacked 
The front lilac hedge.
We filled 3 computers 
And there is still more
To go in and more to cut.
We found a couple full sized 
Maple trees in there too.

Mom stopped by for a visit.
We chatted under the lilacs
And decided that if we were
Likely to experience 
Another lockdown we decided
That we were going to have 
a Christmas in July (jic).

She went home with gravy,
Pie shells and some  flowers.

I came in and worked on
The Christmas organizer.
3 hours later!!!!

John and I had chicken parm
And pasta for supper
And suddenly it was 9:30.

John off to work
And me with a huge pile
Of to do's for tomorrow.

Good night from John Street


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