January 9th 2020
The name of January month was named after god Janus known as God of new beginnings. It is known that God Janus had two heads through which he could watch in both directions, back to the old year and front towards the new year.
I kind of feel like I am multi headed!
I have been an energized bunny today
Trying to get everything ready
So I can have a relatively easy go
Of cooking for 80 this weekend.
All prep cooking is done.
I do need a grocery list but that's an easy
Job to do during coffee
As its just fresh items at this point.
My house is relatively clean too!
I have kept up on chores
And my weekend uniform is ready to go.
Now I want sleep.
Most of what is left is minor organizing
And delivery to hall for set up.
Got john out of the house to do Valleyview coffee
And again tonight,
To a hockey game of all things!
But that gave me 2 hours alone.
Both this morning and this evening.
Not used to him being underfoot so much.
Ok bed is calling.
Good night from John Street
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