Nov 26th 2019

A pony tail start to the day
That included shorts and a coke shirt.
Non-presentable work clothing.

I woke up tangled in all the bed sheets
And blankets because somehow
I had managed to make a mountain of them
All on top of me in the middle of the bed.

My key job was to sort through
All the tote boxes of kitchen christmas.
Several loads of dishes later
And umpteen "fast" loads in the dishwasher
And I had unpacked 8 totes. 
Mostly serving pieces that were wrapped,
Chocolate molds and holiday pieces
Like the nutcracker bowl.

I did get the nutcrackers up on the armoire
And the cookbook cupboard
Was downsized (only by 3 duplicates
But it's something!)
If I do decide no kitchen edible tree,
I have a lot of decor to go.
It was my least favourite anyway.

Big lunch and prepped John some supper,
More cleaning and figuring
And then off to clean myself up!

Valleyview friends and family meeting
At 6pm tonight...
After that I was off to St Anne's
For a quarter auction
Where I won nothing.

Home just in time to say good bye
To John and off to scrounge
Through the kitchen for a snack.

It is now 11:30 and I am thoroughly pooped.
Time to get some sleep 
And restart in the morning.

Tomorrow's goal is the back bathroom
And continue in the kitchen.
Most of the work will be vacuum sealing
All the costumes I washed Monday.
Downsizing decor etc. Is frustrating
When you have to clean everything first...

LDO, book cart at Valleyview
And then off to a friend's epicure party
Will round out the rest of my day.

Good night from John Street


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