July 28th 2019

Never did set up the backyard yesterday
Never did clean the scrap room
I did do the grocery shopping
for a full chicken dinner at Valleyview,
And bought the groceries for this week.

I managed to pack everything I need
For Sunday dinner (1 fridge bag, 1 tote)
And prep the whole meal too.

Decided not to go to the Michael's sale
As I really don't NEED anything anyway
And it was too stinking hot.

While I was out I grabbed
A couple more boxes to wrangle
More of the craft event items
So I packed up more stuff.

Prepped bbq food for supper
Including pasta salad and stuffed burgers
Then cleaned the whole kitchen.

I decided to finish the job I wanted to do
On Wednesday!
I addressed all my Christmas cards
And put return labels on them!
I always sign them around
Christmas in July
And then mail them on Halloween.
I got the last missing address about 10pm.

Too windy last night
For a bonfire and marshmallows
Which is ok because John was pooped.


6:15am up and stuff the chicken
6:30am go back to bed
9am get up again
10am - 11am coffee at Valleyview
11am  set dining table (in going fancy)
11:30am finish heating all the food
Noon lunch time
1pm pack everything and head for home
2pm set up smoker with chicken breasts
6pm smoked chicken, pasta Alfredo
and asparagus dinner
8pm movie night

That leaves lots of time to finally
CLEAN the scrapbook!

Good morning from John Street


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