June 18th 2019

Slept in this morning.
Woke feeling less rested
Than I anticipated!

We were up early yesterday:

Drop car at Hyundaii for repair
Get cigarettes
Beer store for Dad
Gas and propane
Home to get ready
BBQ lunch with Mom and Dad
Go pick up car
Shop for Valleyview (6 stores)
Mow lawn
Prep 10 wheelchair bags for sewing
Bed because I fell asleep on sofa
Watching tv!


Job #1
Make a dozen floral hair barrettes

Job #2
Restock the Valleyview store.
I did all the shopping yesterday
So just price and put away.

Job #3
Back to Dollar Tree to find
A few things I will
NOT know were gone.

Job #4
Buy laminating sheets
For new calligraphy instructions

Job #5
Gift Card from Burger King.

Job #6
Pet store for flea drops.
(Then get Otter to stand still)

Job #7
And figure out supper.

Job #8
Sew all the bags for Valleyview.

Job #9
Meeting about crop.

But currently I need to get rid
Of this yucky headache.

Good morning from John Street


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