April 7th 2019


What a little fresh air can do!

I did a little scraproom cleaning
And then relaxed until 1pm
Before heading out to the crop.

Fun ladies,
All working hard.

Left there
And on a whim,
Stopped to grab buns and burgers
And a case of beer
For our first bbq of the season.

When I got to the house,
John had just started
Working in The yard.
We unloaded the car
And weeded and raked half of the
Back yard and gardens.
Even had our first bonfire.

Burgers were great
But after dishes
We both passed out!

Coffee at Valleyview
My turn to provide lunch
Hamburger pie, mashed potatoes
And fresh green beans.

Then home to:
Put away all the crop items
Empty the car barn
And hopefully finish the last
Of the drywall on the bathroom ceiling.

Good morning from John Street


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