February 26th

My alarm went off.
I am typing with my eyes closed
Because of it is just after

6 AM
That is BEFORE ugly o'clock!!!!

Mom's pre-op is at 8am
In North London.
Surgery date March 7th.

So without brain function...
Yesterday I "finally"
Successfully completed all goals
From last week + + +
John took over the upstairs
And straightened those 3 rooms too!!
Our house is clean.

Slowly, as I did last time
Mom went for surgery...
I am loading the freezer with
Single serve meals for John.
Last night was no exception!
Now there are 2 meatballs and sauce
Packaged up for him.

Today is pretty much a write off.

1) banking while car warms up
2) University hospital for 8am
3) lunch at a cousin's in London
4) nap!
5) cat  - ear drops and flea drops
6) Lysol wipe door knob and light switches

Good (relatively speaking)
Morning from John Street


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