January 21st 2019
What time is it?
I absolutely could not sleep
Last night untlil 4am!!
I tossed, I turned, I read,
Lights on, lights out,
I tried all my "go to sleep" tricks,
Only to have my eyes POP
Open once again.
Now I am facing
Going for a nap now or this afternoon.
One will be happening for sure.
I am also facing the fact that:
1) stairs at Timken
2) NOT play phone games
3) finish swap kits for feb
4) all trees in front porch: wrapped and downstairs
5) wash comforters (2) - only did one
6) prep a big Sunday supper - did and did well
I am off my game a bit.
I am still in cramp hell.
Discussed this with a nurse
Who helped me slowly rule out
A few "normalish" ideas from my symptoms
And what we were left with
A mild case of stomach flu.
Did a hot dog lunch with Dad
And after a "new recipe" supper
We played candy poker!!!!
So today's game plan:
1) clean storage under buffet and hutch
2) deal with Bell
3) finish swap kits for feb
4) all trees in front porch: wrapped and downstairs
5) wash MY comforter and a load of whites
6) dig out my poor car that is buried
I am going to drink an excessive
Amount of water today
Cause I am beyond thirsty.
But for now...
I think nap immediately has won out.
Good morning from John Street
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