Oct 2


Laying back in the recliner
Going over my day.
I tried to sleep in,
But naturally I was awake
By 8 freaking o'clock again.

I showed that alarm clock
A thing or two!
I refused to get up till 10.

Dressed in jeans
I headed downstairs
Only to march right back upstairs
And put on capris.
It was way nicer than it looked.

I made a laundry list
Of things to do
And actually managed to do it all.

My date picked me up at 6
And off to Quarterpalooza I went.
I won nothing.

I love how clean my house is.
I actually made an effort
To keep cleaning up
After myself today,
So I am heading to bed
With an entirely clean home.

Tomorrow is LDO day
And I plan to get myself caught up
And organized for this fall.

I think I need a snack
Before heading for bed.

Good night from John Street


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