June 10th 2017

Some days.....

I got up soooooo sore.
I iced my shoulder all night.
Apparently I am not meant
to take apart workbenches
with a hammer.

He was already going
when I got up at 9,
no nap... just went from work
to working at home.
Helped cut ceiling panels
for the garage
and left John to it.

you guessed it,
an overtired husband
made a stupid disgruntled comment,
when I went to see how it was going,
that led to a huge argument.

I went out grabbed lunch
and told him he needed sleep.

By that time,
three of us were painting
our quilts at the dining room table.
We were all happily setting up,
when John DID actually go to bed.
(thank goodness)

At 5pm,
the paratransit bus arrived
with Dad all ready for a BBQ.
John came down
and decided to mow the grass (????)

Our usual Sunday lunch
had to be Saturday supper,
as Judy has to work tomorrow.
It was also her week to cook.
Pork chops, corn on the cob,
Caesar salad, perch and potatoes,
with ice cream on a stick for dessert.

Dad gave a friend a call
and invited him over for a bonfire.
The three men happily sat
in the smokey bonfire pit area,
talking about all kinds of stuff
including the need
for John to consider
a urinal in the man cave!

Judy and Mom played cards,
and I ran around taking photos.
I brought out wieners and marshmallows
for everyone to "burn".

At 10:30,
Dad finally admitted he was tired
and should probably head back.
Yup..... my dad was out late.
**Mom was thankful
cause she was pooped!

Judy and John took Dad home,
I cleaned up a bit
and got the pets inside.

Now its time for bed.

Good Night from John Street


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