October 30th 2016
Some days are just a blurrrrrrr.....
I slept in a bit,
and got up and had a tea with John
while we made decisions
about the day and plans.
I hung a load of laundry,
then got dressed,
I had planned a quick stop to visit Dad
but he wanted to talk.
An hour later,
he felt better and was very excited
about Mom arriving.
They had a "date" tonight
He had reserved the dining room,
ordered roast beef dinners,
and then they were going down
to listen to a choir.
I laid out his "date" clothes,
and he told me he would shave
and be ready around 4.
I did some grocery shopping,
big news.....my bill at Shoppers
was equivalent to the "you saved area"
they print on the bottom.
I had saved 50!
YAY me.

I spent the later afternoon
cleaning and straightening the house.
The helpful zoo here
followed me around making more messes.
Tonight I made carrot soup.
Yup, it was a fail.
It tasted pretty good,
but the soup, it was agreed,
would be a better stew base
than it was served on its own.
Oh well.
Mom arrived here after her date,
and we played a game
which kept her laughing.
Tomorrow is Halloween.
wow fast passing of a month.
We have a costume party
at 1:30 at Valleyview,
then we are handing out treats
from here...
but not sure about supper.
I think its another early night for me.
The peeps are watching Zodiac
and that is not my kind of movie.
Not sure why I am not full of energy,
I am only a week since remicade...
I have Tinker for the night,
so my zoo gets larger for the next bit.
Good night from John Street
Some days are just a blurrrrrrr.....
I slept in a bit,
and got up and had a tea with John
while we made decisions
about the day and plans.
I hung a load of laundry,
then got dressed,
I had planned a quick stop to visit Dad
but he wanted to talk.
An hour later,
he felt better and was very excited
about Mom arriving.
They had a "date" tonight
He had reserved the dining room,
ordered roast beef dinners,
and then they were going down
to listen to a choir.
I laid out his "date" clothes,
and he told me he would shave
and be ready around 4.
I did some grocery shopping,
big news.....my bill at Shoppers
was equivalent to the "you saved area"
they print on the bottom.
I had saved 50!
YAY me.
I spent the later afternoon
cleaning and straightening the house.
The helpful zoo here
followed me around making more messes.
Tonight I made carrot soup.
Yup, it was a fail.
It tasted pretty good,
but the soup, it was agreed,
would be a better stew base
than it was served on its own.
Oh well.
Mom arrived here after her date,
and we played a game
which kept her laughing.
Tomorrow is Halloween.
wow fast passing of a month.
We have a costume party
at 1:30 at Valleyview,
then we are handing out treats
from here...
but not sure about supper.
I think its another early night for me.
The peeps are watching Zodiac
and that is not my kind of movie.
Not sure why I am not full of energy,
I am only a week since remicade...
I have Tinker for the night,
so my zoo gets larger for the next bit.
Good night from John Street
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