July 30th 2016
Where does the day go????
It is pretty amazing how an unplanned day
can disappear in the blink of an eye.
John got home
much later than I expected.
He had gotten stickers for the Mustang,
and made an appointment
to have the a/c charged in it.

So now I will be comfortable
on the trip south next month!
Unexpected visit from the Kilmers,
rolled into a disappearance of the trailers
and the recyclable metal too!
(which btw include those 2 stupid tractors)
Then we all piled into the truck
and took a tour of our new re-store,
where I promptly found
the 3 cabinets mom needs
to build Dad's work bench properly!
Success where she had had none.
Home again,
John got the Essex all tucked back into
her private car barn,
and did a bit of garage work.
I had another massive headache,
so off for some Tylenol and a nap.

Woke up
and found it was 7:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I came down and got some Disney fast passes booked,
Judy was off to Cowboys Ranch,
and John fell asleep.....
see John YOU DO need a nap
when you get home on Saturdays!
Now it is almost 10pm.
The day is gone
and I have not been all that productive.
But tomorrow is another day.......
and the last day of July!
How can that possibly be?
Good night from John Street
Where does the day go????
It is pretty amazing how an unplanned day
can disappear in the blink of an eye.
John got home
much later than I expected.
He had gotten stickers for the Mustang,
and made an appointment
to have the a/c charged in it.
So now I will be comfortable
on the trip south next month!
Unexpected visit from the Kilmers,
rolled into a disappearance of the trailers
and the recyclable metal too!
(which btw include those 2 stupid tractors)
Then we all piled into the truck
and took a tour of our new re-store,
where I promptly found
the 3 cabinets mom needs
to build Dad's work bench properly!
Success where she had had none.
Home again,
John got the Essex all tucked back into
her private car barn,
and did a bit of garage work.
I had another massive headache,
so off for some Tylenol and a nap.

Woke up
and found it was 7:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I came down and got some Disney fast passes booked,
Judy was off to Cowboys Ranch,
and John fell asleep.....
see John YOU DO need a nap
when you get home on Saturdays!
Now it is almost 10pm.
The day is gone
and I have not been all that productive.
But tomorrow is another day.......
and the last day of July!
How can that possibly be?
Good night from John Street
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