June 26th 2016
Heat does strange things to people.
Some people embrace it
and go to the beach or a pool.
Some people hide
in their ac'd home.
Some people bear up under the heat
and continue doing chores.
Some people become pools
of liquid waiting for the nicer cooler evening.
Some people just sit
in front of a fan complaining.
I am the sleep through it
and be sick all day kind.

My husband however doesn't mind the heat
and continues life normally
doing chores and ends up miserable
and grumpy by 7pm.
Great combo eh?
Can you see the arguments?
Well I woke up sick,
running a small fever,
and nauseaous and dizzy at the same time.
I was starving too.
NOT a great combo.
I went back to sleep and got up
to a huge breakfast
but by noon....
ended up back in bed until 5pm!
Not much else happened.
Its Sunday dinner night here,
bbq hot dogs and sausages
with a large array of salads.
Neopolitan ice cream for dessert
and then I am going back to bed.
I will wake feeling much better tomorrow.
Good night from John Street
Heat does strange things to people.
Some people embrace it
and go to the beach or a pool.
Some people hide
in their ac'd home.
Some people bear up under the heat
and continue doing chores.
Some people become pools
of liquid waiting for the nicer cooler evening.
Some people just sit
in front of a fan complaining.
I am the sleep through it
and be sick all day kind.
My husband however doesn't mind the heat
and continues life normally
doing chores and ends up miserable
and grumpy by 7pm.
Great combo eh?
Can you see the arguments?
Well I woke up sick,
running a small fever,
and nauseaous and dizzy at the same time.
I was starving too.
NOT a great combo.
I went back to sleep and got up
to a huge breakfast
but by noon....
ended up back in bed until 5pm!
Not much else happened.
Its Sunday dinner night here,
bbq hot dogs and sausages
with a large array of salads.
Neopolitan ice cream for dessert
and then I am going back to bed.
I will wake feeling much better tomorrow.
Good night from John Street
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