April 8th 2016
How can it be April 8th
and I am still trying to type 2015?????
How can it be April 8th
and I am still trying to type 2015?????
Today was a race to finish
kind of day.
No online chat to keep me going,
I forged through A LOT of jobs
to get here tonight.
Judy woke up nauseaous and dizzy.
Immediately I thought flu,
which is a swear word for me
in this house without an immune system.
No work today!
No work today!
Gravol and a lot of sleep and by 2pm
she was not AS white as she had been at 7am.
Poor kid!
I can't even go near her to console her.
She was starving by 4,
and after another nap until 7pm,
she looks much better now.
Knock on wood it was the 24 hour bug.
Had a meat delivery from Linda,
had a ticket payment
and a crop drop off from Charlotte.
Around 3,
I had to get my vendor table set up
at the CASO station for a crop tomorrow.
Judy will be "the Fifty cent GIRL" for me
as I have to head out to the Kitchener Scrapfest
as I have to head out to the Kitchener Scrapfest
to make some pick ups.

After getting some change for the table,
we met up with Jocelyne
who had more door prizes for me to take home.
My front porch is a mess with crop items.
Only 15 days and we will be
Only 15 days and we will be
getting home after a very long day
and it will all be over for another year.
and it will all be over for another year.
Cailyn made a quick stop in
to drop off a skid and some beer cans.
I will collect anything!
Greg came by to take Judy
out for a couple hours,
I believe nachos were involved!
He brought me a belated Easter gift.
A lovely purple mum.
It was a nice surprise.
Spent the evening finishing
2 redneck wind-chimes
and 2 redneck dream catchers,
printing labels for the contests tomorrow...
so I don't have to fill out ballots!
Supper was beef on a bun.
I love having low iron and blood counts...
more beef!
It is now later than I expected to be up,
and Linda is coming at 8am
aka ugly o'clock in the morning!
Good night from John Street
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