January 16th 2016
A guide to being a successful housewife,
could not be written!
What I, personally, consider
a successful day
is DEFINITELY not what someone else
would feel was accomplished
and still others marvel at what got done.
When asked how or why I do so much,
the only answer is,
because that is what needed to get done.
It CAN be very overwhelming
starting the process,
as I can attest after spending 24 hours
TRYING to organize (in some logical way)
the ridiculous amount
of Disney scrapbooking I have.
It started as a need for the many trips,
then became necessary
due to lack of availability
then became habit
to buy the newest patterns.
Now I am faced with tons
that I know needs to be downsized
but I can't quite sell off yet.
So, like all other big chores....
I divide up any mess into 20 minute chores.
ANY job can have that done!
After 20 minutes, I get a treat and break.
Then back to it.
My organization only is worth all the time
that I put into it
if I continue to use the system I set up.
Making the Tupperware cupboard neat
is a job and a half.
But if I do it and insert a proper system
to store the lids and small stuff,
maybe invest in only 1 size of plastic storage,
then the job itself happens less often
and is often easier to do
when I have to.
"work smarter not harder"
Today I did NOT finish last week's challenges
but I am sooooooo close.
Tomorrow is another day,
and I plan to do those last few things
to accomplish those goals.
Good night from John Street
A guide to being a successful housewife,
could not be written!
What I, personally, consider
a successful day
is DEFINITELY not what someone else
would feel was accomplished
and still others marvel at what got done.
When asked how or why I do so much,
the only answer is,
because that is what needed to get done.
It CAN be very overwhelming
starting the process,
as I can attest after spending 24 hours
TRYING to organize (in some logical way)
the ridiculous amount
of Disney scrapbooking I have.
It started as a need for the many trips,
then became necessary
due to lack of availability
then became habit
to buy the newest patterns.
Now I am faced with tons
that I know needs to be downsized
but I can't quite sell off yet.
So, like all other big chores....
I divide up any mess into 20 minute chores.
ANY job can have that done!
After 20 minutes, I get a treat and break.
Then back to it.
My organization only is worth all the time
that I put into it
if I continue to use the system I set up.
Making the Tupperware cupboard neat
is a job and a half.
But if I do it and insert a proper system
to store the lids and small stuff,
maybe invest in only 1 size of plastic storage,
then the job itself happens less often
and is often easier to do
when I have to.
"work smarter not harder"
Today I did NOT finish last week's challenges
but I am sooooooo close.
Tomorrow is another day,
and I plan to do those last few things
to accomplish those goals.
Good night from John Street
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