December 2nd 2015
6am is definitely UGLY o'clock in the morning!!!
I woke up suddenly, and although I was too tired to stay up, could not fall asleep again. I ended up at the Superstore by 7am to get the dog food and garbage bags. When I got home, Judy grabbed the truck and I tossed myself back into bed until 11am.
Caroline stopped by for coffee, and we talked and laughed.
This afternoon I got busy, finishing the living room tree, organizing the gifts under the tree and decorating the archway.
While surfing the internet on one of my many breaks, I ran into a site about Christmas written by a Mormon mom. I was intrigued. Much like the organized Christmas, it was 3 ideas each day for December to bring religion back into your holidays. Not all of what she wrote fit with what I appreciate about this holiday, but I did take away a thought to ponder on every day until the big day.
oh come all ye faithful
So today I am tossing around what part of my faith is most important to ensure I include during Christmas. I was raised by a very devout mother. We went to church every sunday and all the extra holidays. We raised Judy the same way until she was confirmed, and old enough in the churches eyes to make her own decisions.
My faith has been personalized over time and although most of it is Roman Catholic, my mind is open when I hear of other faith's beliefs.
So to me, Christmas must be spelt Christmas as writing Xmas takes Christ out of Christmas. The manger scene is ALWAYS a part of my decorating. But where can I add more of my religion to my holidays? A thought I shall ponder.
Good night from a thoughtful Catholic on John Street
6am is definitely UGLY o'clock in the morning!!!
I woke up suddenly, and although I was too tired to stay up, could not fall asleep again. I ended up at the Superstore by 7am to get the dog food and garbage bags. When I got home, Judy grabbed the truck and I tossed myself back into bed until 11am.
Caroline stopped by for coffee, and we talked and laughed.
This afternoon I got busy, finishing the living room tree, organizing the gifts under the tree and decorating the archway.
While surfing the internet on one of my many breaks, I ran into a site about Christmas written by a Mormon mom. I was intrigued. Much like the organized Christmas, it was 3 ideas each day for December to bring religion back into your holidays. Not all of what she wrote fit with what I appreciate about this holiday, but I did take away a thought to ponder on every day until the big day.
oh come all ye faithful
So today I am tossing around what part of my faith is most important to ensure I include during Christmas. I was raised by a very devout mother. We went to church every sunday and all the extra holidays. We raised Judy the same way until she was confirmed, and old enough in the churches eyes to make her own decisions.
My faith has been personalized over time and although most of it is Roman Catholic, my mind is open when I hear of other faith's beliefs.
So to me, Christmas must be spelt Christmas as writing Xmas takes Christ out of Christmas. The manger scene is ALWAYS a part of my decorating. But where can I add more of my religion to my holidays? A thought I shall ponder.
Good night from a thoughtful Catholic on John Street
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