July 12th 2015
Judy and John were up and out of here
early this morning.
So I got a relaxing extra bit of time
to sleep this morning.
The rest of the day was SUPER quiet.
Judy was working,
John off to get his truck groceries
and then out doing body work on my truck.
I spent the day staying cool
and watching NCIS.
I enjoy a little Mark Harmon (or a lot of him)
and just relaxing.
Around 2 John was having problems
keeping his eyes open,
so we pulled out some burgers for supper
then I headed for the sofa and a fan with my book
and John was headed upstairs
to catch some zzzz's.
When I woke up at 6pm,
I was surprised to learn
he had only managed an hours sleep
and Judy was home,
I slept right through everything they were doing.
We were all set to bbq the burgers
and found an empty propane tank.
We spent the night finishing the weekend chores.
Laundry is all done,
kitchen is all clean
and the husband is all packed up and headed off
to fight PanAm traffic for a couple weeks.
He is hoping running late nights
and sleeping all through the days
will help him avoid the hell of those roads.
my lazy vacation week is over.
I have much to do
and tomorrow it starts with card class in London.
Then it i time for me to pop on into mom mode
and get some housework done.
Mid afternoon will see my re-starting
my organizational challenge,
with the goal being 1 of the 2 tables being removed
by wednesday.
Good night from John Street
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