May 24th 2015
A new season of outdoor activities.
I spent a lot of time outdoors yesterday,
and was sunburnt and exhausted
by bedtime!
So today,
rather than relax,
after I slept in....
I got up and started again.
I even mowed grass
and used the weed whacker.
THAT is a weird thing for me.
I even did planting/gardening!!!!!!!!!
John started the project of dismantling
all the stored shelves of "stuff"
in the garage rafters.
many things we will never use.
he was really good about downsizing.
Items were thrown out,
put away properly,
or sent to metal recycling.
We got the side yard mowed and weed whacked
JUST before it started to rain.
A pasta dinner
and I was finished for the day.
I can barely move now.
Contemplating my week
and the plans I have already agreed to.
So much to do this week
in Judy's very last cadet annual parade.
Commanding Officer, Sponsor Committee Chair,
Staff and Cadets of
Staff and Cadets of
741 Elgin
Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
Request the
honour of your presence at their
Annual Ceremonial Review
Saturday, 30 May
1300 hours
Collegiate Institute
241 Sunset Drive
(Front Entrance)
Reviewing Officer:
LCol Scott Smith, CD
Commanding Officer, 31 CER, Elgin Regiment
Guests seated at 1300 hrs
Parade commences at 1330 hrs
Reception and Displays following Review
So I am off to my comfy bed,
to restore my energy levels
for the Relay for Life fundraiser tomorrow.
Email me if you need info!
Good night from John Street
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