April 15th 2015
Why oh why is it,
when you are planning an event,
and you know there is a ton of stuff to do,
that you touch seems to need to wait till later?
I got a lot done today
including a command center
and post it note board,
but wrapping gifts has to wait until I get bags
which I promptly forgot
when I was AT the store to get them tonight!
It just seems to early to start picking up the foods,
even though they are boxed or canned.
It just seems simpler
to do it when I do the perishables next wednesday.
I can pat myself on the back
as I HAVE managed to keep the priezs
and supplies all boxed up
and even semi organized.
I even have an accurate list of what we have
(which I am sure I will lose again like last year's)
I am out of boxes!
Save me Super Dan!
Tomorrow is another busy day planning.
I will be having an amazing day
and whip through those chores!
I am also headed over to the hall to count tables
and work out placements for vendors.
We have the most amazing vendors!
So many go over and above
what we even ask.
Thank you to all.......
Thank you to all.......
The prize getters
who have worked really hard for you this year!
The online staff team
for doing all the sit and stare at the screen stuff!
My friends and family
who have been so generous this year!
The St Thomas and area businesses
for supporting us once again this year.
The home businesses
who have been so generous this year running fundraising events.
My husband and daughter
who endure me doing this every year.
Pink Scrappers Relay for Life Team
for believing we could do this again.
Good night from John Street.
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